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The Buffer queue - what is it?

Buffer My Buffer Dashboard

Hey there,

I know you've got plenty on your plate, so I just wanted to highlight a key part of Buffer that we often get asked about - the Buffer queue!

The queue is your "backlog" of posts, ready to be shared with the world. You'll have a queue for every social profile you connect to Buffer. Keep it topped up, and Buffer will make sure your posts go out to your set schedule.

Here are a few related FAQ articles that you might find helpful!

Connecting your social accounts
Customizing your posting schedules
Adding posts to the queue

If you're eager to get going, why not add a post or two to your queue now?

Go to your dashboard →

Let us know if you run into any trouble. :)


Joel and the Buffer Team


P.S. Feel free to keep pushing ahead with our Getting Started guide. It has all our best tips to get the most out of Buffer.


From the team at Buffer
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Buffer Inc, 2443 Fillmore Street #380-7163, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA

The Buffer queue - what is it? The Buffer queue - what is it? Reviewed by F1 Shirt Design on 03:00 Rating: 5

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